Friday, July 11, 2008

My camera isn't taking pictures..... I am really bummed! I am trying to take more pictures of my kids in their "element" rather than all the posed pictures. But alas, the camera is being STUPID!

I am starting to get nervous for Dan and his surgery. He wanted it done ASAP and the Dr./Surgeon he is seeing just started at the Steadman-Hawkins clinic in Denver. His "papers" haven't gone through the board in Denver so he can't do any surgeries up here yet. So we have to drive down to Colorado Springs to have it done, which means we will have to drive back up here after it's over (it's an out patient thing).

Dan is anxious to have this done so he will at least be off the crutches and just in the walking boot before football starts (He is coaching Tanners team and they are now a competitive team. Instead of just playing the local communities we will be playing the other competitive teams in the North Metro area) He wants to be fully healed by Oct (we are going to Mexico on Farmers dime) and then he goes to Africa to go visit his parents in Nov. Weird, but he wants to be able to walk pain -free for those things.

For those interested in what he is having done, here is my dumbed down version (correct me if I'm wrong honey!) He is having his lft ankle cleaned out of all the spurs and having his calf muscle lengthened to help the Achilles tendon (on the verge of erupting) in the hopes that this will give him back his range of motion and alleviate some of his pain in walking. This will give him a few more years until he has to have all this done again. How exciting! Eventually (hopefully when he is in his 60's) he will either have to have the joint fused or completely replaced. Maybe by then they will have a better treatment that will allow him to stay active.