Monday, December 18, 2006

This is going to be my yearly letter because I am too lame to go make up cards. If you don't like it, too bad :).

The first milestone is that we actually got our family pictures taken! It has been about three years since our last one. So 2 kids later we finally got it together, and also found a great photographer. I don't like getting pictures because they look too posed most of the time, but I think you will see that you can definitely pick up on our personalities.

Parents first........ We are loving being back up here in Brighton again ( it's been about a year). It definitely feels like home here. We have all our friends and continue to meet new ones. I haven't really done anything that exciting this year other than giving birth to #4. I stay busy by attacking the never ending pile of laundry and being the taxi driver for our kids and sometimes their friends. Dan is still working for Farmers Insurance as a "Life Marketing Manager". It fulfills all his needs. He gets to be social and not be tied down to a desk in a "cubical" city. He just got a new Ford 500 for his company car. I will miss the Maroon Impala with the South Dakota plates. It was always easy to spot. To date ,the worst part of his job would probably be the Property and Casualty licensing test he just had to take. Not to relive the nightmare for him, he passed and will never have to take it again! Besides staying busy with work, he also keeps busy with the YM in our ward. He took them snowboarding and skiing this last weekend. All the boys came home with minimal injury... It was a success!

Good 'ol Tanner!! He has been a busy boy this past year. If you look back at the past blogs you'll know why. Since Tanner was busy that made the rest of us busy..... taking him to practices everywhere. Between baseball, football and now basketball he is having a great time. I think he had the most fun playing football because Dan got to help coach. Dan has taken him to a couple Bronco games and Nuggets games. He got to go to one of the Nuggets games that started at 8:00 PM. He came home and the first thing he said was " Dad did something you would never do...He let me have CAFFEINE!" and then went to bed. He is a happy, good natured kid. He is very helpful around the house when he isn't zoned out out playing PSP or the playstation2. He is doing well in school and loves 2nd grade.

Jayla, our little princess, is just that. She too has been a busy little thing. She learned how to swim under the water at the many times we were at Water World (again look at the past blogs). She is loving gymnastics and dance with Aunt Karla. She did a little cheer stint at the High School, that was a big highlight for her. She loves being in kindergarten, doing homework and thinking she is learning Spanish. She is in a class with about 5 kids who hardly speak any English. It cracks me up when I drop her off at school; She gets out of the car..."Hola, Jairo! Hola, Graciella! Hola, Bryan!" You get the idea. She really has learned a few words in Spanish. The teacher though speaks only English in class and really doesn't know any Spanish either. At home she is a great help. She too is such a good natured person and really just wants to help everyone. She also got to go on a "date" with dad to one of the nuggets games. She actually paid attention and got into the game. Her favorite thing though was the cheerleaders and the dancers.

Lets just say this is Zack's mug shot. He is what really keeps all of our lives full of action. He is the busiest one of the four with the most attitude. He epitomizes opposites. He is so loving and happy one minute but watch out for the tornado of attitude the next. I think he has 2 personalities. When he wakes up in the morning or after a nap we ask him if he is a happy Zack or angry Zack. Here is angry Zack.........

He works really hard at the eyebrows. He is a loving brother, especially to his little one. I wouldn't ask for him to be any different. He does a good job at being toted around everywhere and he is good at keeping up with the older ones in their playing around.

What can I say about this one? Just look at him! We aren't proud or anything of our children. Jake is such a good baby. He is so cheerful and happy. Like Zack he packs around very good. He is crawling everywhere and loves to have his siblings pay attention to him. He loves to eat, and be included in everything. He knows that cars are the thing to play with, along with anything he can reach. He has a fond love of everything that plugs into an outlet. When Dan or I have a difficult day we just look at him and he smiles and you can't help but smile back.

We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and hope that you're all doing well. We look forward to another crazy, but fulfilling year.