Thursday, June 26, 2008

So, I have been a slacker in my "duties" as being a V.T. I have been inspired to try harder and to get it done. We just had our V.T. conference on Tues........"Feed My Sheep.... Every Sister a Friend". We had a guy in our ward, Rex Johnson, speak our R.S. Pres, Becky Smith, speak and a musical number by me.* I thought it went really well. I really liked that we had a guys perspective on V.T. and he shared some great service stories that his wife received when she had their twins his first year of dental school. And of course our pres. gave a wonderful inspirational talk about the importance of visiting our sisters.

So there you go.... I have been touched by the spirit and can not neglect it.

I visited one of my sisters today and had a nice visit. Because of my being "touched" I felt I had to repent of my slackerness. She forgave me and invited me to go to Texas with her and 3 other ladies next week. I had to decline ( maybe going to Utah for the Clark Family Reunion, my 2 older ones are going for sure w/ G'parents).

Off the subject. We did not get Water World passes this year because of our new purchase of Sassy, the lab/ St. bernard dog we adopted. What was I thinking!? The kids are bored and so am I. Oh well, for sure next year if we aren't moving. (I know I keep saying that, but it is at the point now that it is inevitable we will be heading for L.A)

* I didn't want to sing. I didn't want people thinking that now that I am in charge of HFPE that it will become "The Emily Show". The other ladies that were asked couldn't do it, so my committee leader begged me. FYI I sang "Miracles" from the Sally DeFord website

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
* At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment on their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged, and to come back and read your blog for the whole story

Thanks Erin for tagging me!!!!!! Sorry it has taken so long to get it posted..........

1- As a kid I would ride my little tricycle around with my little hat pulled over my eyes(it was a knit hat with a pom-pom on top). Why?! I just thought it was cool that I could see through the stitches and I thought people would think I had x-ray vision because I could see through my hat and not crash. I also had to shake my head around to feel the pom-pom bobble around on the hat.

2. I love playing in the rain, but as soon as it thundered I would bolt into the house( as a kid, not anymore).

3. I have a hard time keeping a house clean. Some of it is because I have 4 tornadoes running through my house at all times, but I have a hard time "tidying". I am sort of a perfectionist( I am learning this as I get older)...... if I start cleaning then I have an uncontrollable urge to clean baseboards, clean out kitchen cabinet shelves, and just get too detailed. I AM WORKING ON THIS DAILY.

4. My favorite flavors in the world are CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER. O.K maybe this is something that you don't already know.

5. As a kid my favorite meal was Rice and Gravy. Everyone thought I was weird because it wasn't pizza or hamburgers. I guess it was because that meal was something we ate a lot of ,and it gave a sense of comfort.

6. I have always had a dream of competing in a fitness competition. I know, I know, I have a lot of work ahead of me...... but this hope resurged (?) because the last winner of the national fitness competition was a 38 yr old from Colorado. I have a few more years. My dream is still within reach :)

7. As soon as I wake up in the morning I have to watch channel 9 news or the Today Show. It is a habit that I just have to do to get me out of bed (I don't watch the ENTIRE Today Show though).

8. I HATE LAUNDRY!! Have I ever mentioned that before!?

Tagged: Raenie, Martha, Melissa, Kathy, Mom, Rachel, Ellen.... and TANNER! (his link is on the side bar)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We have done a lot these last couple of weeks. I will post pictures soon.

The kids were done with school May 22. It was a half day. So we picked up the kids at 12:30 and immediately headed for Dallas (Frisco), TX. It took us about 13 hours to get there (we arrived at 3 in the morning, that's with the time change.) We stayed until the next Tues.

Loved visiting with Chris, Wendy, Jocelyn, Brielle, Payton and Chelsea. Frisco is really a pretty and clean place. Full of new homes, shops, buildings etc. Chris and Wendy have a beautiful home and are a GREAT family. THANK YOU for letting us invade your space!

Zach turned 4 on May 31. The whole day he kept telling me that his name wasn't Zach it was 4. Whatever, dude! He got to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Pratt with no one else. When we dropped him off we had a cookout with G'ma, G'pa, Aunt Ellen and Roxie (the dog cousin). But, he had to remind us that we were not staying and that we needed to leave him there all by himself (he made sure that, that was clear to all his siblings).

We had the Lewis' Family reunion in Dillon/ Silverthorne. We stayed HERE.
It was beautiful! There were multiple trails to pick from so I had some wonderful places to pick where I wanted to go on my early morning runs. I just LOVE the mountains! We were also within walking distance to the outlets, which of course we just HAD to go to .

Like I said I will have pics soon.