Monday, August 21, 2006


Well school has started, which means that we are back on a schedule and I am trying to organize and get my planner in order. Yes, I am still in the rock ages of actually writing in pen on paper in a planner. I have tried to up date ...Dan gave me his Toshiba pocket pc (like a palm) but it is not holding a charge and I have managed to , I think, use all of it's memory, so when I add in knew appointments it won't save. So I went back to the old planner.
Tanner has gone through his first week of football practice. He practices Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri 5-7pm. Dan is coaching the linesmen, which is great because then that means I don't have to stay the full 2 hours. His first game is on Sept. 2. It will be fun to watch. It is tackle so they are in pads and everything. Tonight is the first practice where they get to have all their pads on. Tanner looks so cute, I mean tuff. Surprisingly he is not the biggest kid on the team; there is another boy who is also 7 (the team is7-8 yr olds) who weighs in at 112 lbs. compared to Tanners 75.
We have signed Jayla up for gymnastics. She is so excited. She has been practicing her cart-wheels. We haven't gone to a class yet. But I will let you know how she does. She will also begin tap/jazz with Aunt Karla starting in Sept. We put her in afternoon kindergarten just so she will be able to go. She didn't participate last year and was very sad.
Dan is now beginning to travel throughout the state. He is in charge of as far south as Durango/ Pueblo to Aspen and Ft. Collins. Needless to say I am a little worried with him driving around so much that the girls he passes will try to catch his eye as he is in his pimped maroon Chevy Impala. They have nothing on this mother of 4. I tried to post some pics of Dan earlier but was having trouble.
I was only able to get this picture up. about 1 1/2 wks ago Farmers Insurance did a little promo thing at Chatfield resevior. Orange County Choppers, OCC for those of you in the know, built this bike for Farmers. Dan said is was beautiful. I tried to get a pic to post of Dan on the bike but blogger is not cooperating. When I can I will post it. Dan is HOT on it!
Keep the comments coming as I enjoy reading them!

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Here's the picture of Jake that I could get to post on the last Blog. Isn't he adorable?! OK I am a little biased. He looks pretty much like the others , doesn't he.

So here are somemore pictures of the kids at Water World. Tanner stars school on Aug. 17 and Jayla starts a week later, so we are cramming in as many trip to go swim as possible.

Zach took his "zwim soup" out of the bag this day and had to just wear the cute little swim diaper speedo. Needless to say my kids have some great tan lines. I was very vigilant about the sunscreen and we had no incident of bad sunburn this year( unless you count me because I can't reach my back). The picture below is the usual nap time around 1:30pm.