Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Here's a little bit of a run down of the last week....
Tanner and his class gave speeches at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.  The students were put into units with the same topic.  They were then "judged" by a panel of 3 experts.  One being an Editor from Houghton/Mifflin (?) a High School English teacher and a Professor at California Lutheran University (this school is located right around the corner from us, seriously)
Tanner did a great job!  His group was given the highest score.

I decided that Jake and I would take advantage of the fact we were there for free, so we wandered around some of the exhibits.  Reagan Library is only 10 min from our house..... it is SO cool!

Here's Reagan's Air Force One.  We weren't allowed to take pictures inside. It's dated but still really awesome to go through.  Reagan LOVED Jelly Belly's so there is a container in each compartment. (I knew there was a reason I like him so much). 

This is his L.A. motorcade.

This is Marine One..... Ginormous!

This is his resting place.  We saw a few other little exhibits, because the main part of the library is being renovated until Feb. of 2011.

Here's "Super Star" Jayla.  Her 3rd grade did a play called "Vacation to Mars".  Since we came in so late in the year she didn't get to try out for a part.  She was a WONDERFUL venutian back up singer!

Zach also was in his kindergarten play of "Chicken Little".  He was Ducky Lucky.... and a darn good one.  Jake said it was the best Chicken Little play he'd ever seen!  I agree!

Now that Dan is the Scout Master we are supporting him in all the court of honors and things he has to attend.  Here Tanner is getting a patch for something they did at their Camporee.  He is the only 11 year old scout at this time so they are including him in the older scouts.

The 2 above pictures are of Jayla and Zach getting an award for student of the month at school.  Tanner got one too, but it was a surprise and I didn't have the camera out to catch him.  All of their teachers had such wonderful things to say about them.  The school, students and teachers have made it a great transition for the kids.

The pictures below are of all the kids at Chuck E. Cheese.  We went there on Sat. before Zach's birthday to celebrate as a family.

Zach's birthday landed on Memorial Day this year and some friends invited us to go to the beach with them.  It was everything I wanted it to be!  (-:  Sun, water, playing and fun!

Jake walked around most the day looking like he had a 5 o'clock shadow of sand.  He didn't want me to wipe it off, so it stayed.

After the beach Zach wanted to go to Chili's for dinner .... and of course we did.  Then we took him home for presents and cake.