Thursday, January 31, 2008

I got about a 40 min. work out in this morning. I was trying to talk myself out of working out, but I didn't want to let you all down since you are all doing such a great job at staying dedicated. I talked to Ellen last night and told her that the beginning of the week is so much easier to stay with it than toward the end. But, I did it! The other reason is because Dan and I are going to Maggianos for a date night. Wow 2 in a row!
This one has actually been planned for a couple of weeks. Thanks to Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jason this one came to fruition.
I also wanted to get a head start on the weekend, because usually I go hog-wild and ditch the really healthy eating. For the last few years Sat. is our family fastfood lunch day. It is more often than not the only day that we get to eat out as a family, and it gives the kids something to look forward to. It has also helped them in not asking to go eat out every night of the week. Really though.... now it has turned into Chick-fil-a day now that one has just opened up by the Target. It is the BEST! They have diet Dr. Pepper, I LOVE their chicken, they give out educational toys in the kids meal and they have a play land! What could be better!
I am going to be eat'n like a queen this weekend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So here is my daily entry (from yesterday, Tues. 1/29)....

I got 30 min exercise
I had special k, a protein bar, diet dr. pepper, cottage cheese a couple of pickles, 3 hard boiled eggs and a granola bar to eat today.

After typing that I need to work on getting some veggies and fruit in. Thats hard at our house because my kids actually like those things so they get eaten fast. Enough excuses.

I haven't blogged about our night at the Nuggets game last Wed. Through Tanner's basketball team we got some good tickets for half price, so we took Tanner, Jayla and Zach. Jake stayed with Grandma and Grandpa.

Tanner got to go down on the court and hi-five the players as they came in for warm up. Unfortunately, Mello was injured but AI (Allen Iverson) was there. Tanner had been so excited the whole day. I got to take Jayla to go talk to the Cheerleaders and the dancers. She was excited, but of course went mute when they tried to talk to her.
Zach just wanted hot dogs, cotton candy and thought that the lights were really cool.
All the kids had on their Nuggets gear, but it didn't take long for Zach to realize that his jersey didn't have a number on it like the other kids did.
At half time some little YMCA basketball players got to have a 5 minute game against eachother. Zach was angery that they didn't "pick" him to go and play,and again had to tell us it was because his jersey was missing a number.
They played the Hawks. It was a good game, but I didn't get to pay as much attention to it since I just tried to keep Zach enjoying his time there. It was just great to spend time together as a family (minus Jake, we missed him but were glad he wasn't there).

Then thanks to grandma and grandpa Dan and I went to dinner and a movie last Fri. We just went to the movie complex here in Brighton. We had dinner at Anthony's pizza and then went to go see "Juno" ($5 movie through Kerasotes theater company). Dan and I laughed so hard! The girl that plays Juno is so funny. I know the topic of teen pregnancy isn't funny, but THIS was hilarious. I am jealous of Jason and Ellen who have "Paulie Bleeker is Boss" t-shirts. Maybe I'll make on that says "Dan Lewis is Boss".
It was just fun to be Dan and I. Usually when we get to go out it is for some "Farmers" function so Dan has to be all social to everyone and I don't get his undivided attention. But since I had it that night, I found myself being quite the chatter box.

Well today I get to look forward to The Dentist. My tooth decided it didn't like it's filling anymore. I hate going to the dentist! Mostly because I hate trying to get someone to watch my kids so that I can do something I don't want to do in the first place.

I don't think I will work out until this afternoon, after the dentist.
I have read many of your blogs- Way to go on getting serious about health!-

Monday, January 28, 2008

All-righty then! I have some of you on board about this getting healthy thing. I don't know how you want to do this and help keep tabs on each other. The only thing I can think of right now is post your goals so that we can be accountable.....

1. exercise!(at least 30 min)- I will set my work out time as 9am or 4pm (it depends on the days I volunteer at the kids' school)

2. I will try to make better food choices and watch portion.
3. I will try to be more aware and try to manage my stress/boardom eating.

Thats a good start for me. I could list a whole slew of things but I know that would just set me up for failure. I will add more goals along the way.

So far today hasn't been the best start. I was watching kids so i haven't gotten in my exercise yet, other than carrying laundry up and down stairs. I had a small bowl of Special K vanilla almond cereal, but then I had 2 cookies for a mid morning snack.

I will hopefully blog more towards the evening so I can let you know how most of the day went.

If you haven't read moms blog she is making a great start of all of this.

Start little..... achieve those small triumphs.....and keep going. When/if you fall of the wagon, start where you left off. Everyone will have set backs, but that's why we are doing this together! Look to the future of a healthier you and feeling great!

Love you guys!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mom and I were talking today about her health , my health, everyones health. And decided that we (whoever wants to) band together and start exercising regularly, and try to have a more healthy lifestyle ( I will not give up my every once in a while diet pop, though). We should hold each other accountable by blogging about what we are "trying" to do. Any one on Board?!

Sorry about the earlier post being so dramatic, but I do not apologize for how I feel.

It's time to get REAL......

OK, so on the outside I am normally a pretty up beat, happy person, just living life as it is thrown at me. Inside is the complete opposite of what everyone else sees. I am someone struggling to keep herself together and not break down crying, because my thoughts of inadequacy are looming up and trying to take over my every thought. Making me think that I am not doing a very good job as a mother, wife, friend or whatever role I am put in.

I have been feeling like a "loser" lately and it didn't help going to HFPE. It was one of those "feel good" nights and the speaker asked us to write down 5 things that I do good and then we were to share one of those. I thought and thought and couldn't think of anything! I didn't write anything down and then it was time for me to share. I held in the tears and the urge to run out of the room yelling "I hate you all! I am not like all of you cookie cutter women who have it all together and are always perfect!" I didn't want to look pathetic and quickly said "loyal" and that was it.

Now 2 days later I still can't think of 5 things I do well. I can think of a hundred things I WISH I did well.... keep a clean and tidy house, laundry isn't the size of Mt. Everest, was 20 lbs lighter, yada, yada, yada! And here I am making a "booby blog" when I should be doing......

Monday, January 21, 2008

National Western Stock Show 2008

We did the yearly visit to the stock show on Fri. Jan 18. I always love going probably as much if not more than the kids do. We went with Karla and her kids and Rachel and hers.
My kids missed Grandpa Lewis this year because, "he knows all about the big cows and animals. He will ask the people if we can pet the really fat ones and they always say yes."

The Big highlight is always the tractor races. They are the ones you pedal, like the one Uncle Jon had. I can't get the clip, but all the kids got to race multiple times. Jayla had to whisper to me after it was over " I won 5 times mom. No one beat me!" I am so proud she has found her calling in tractor racing.

My kids didn't want to leave. Jayla wanted to see the Rodeo Queen, and see if she would give her a plastic tiara to wear on her cowgirl hat (Jayla doesnt' have a cowgirl hat). She also said that when she grows up she wants to be at least a Rodeo Princess. I guess it's time to try to get her over the fear of touching a horse first. When Kaitlyn took us to the horse barn over the summer she wouldn't go near Gary. I guess we all need dreams though.

DREAM ON!...........

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Christmas decorations are down and now it's time to put up Valentines. WOW! Another holiday season come and gone. I wanted so bad to bake up all sorts of delicious treats but as usual I never found the time. I think I will bake for Valentines Day instead, not quite so hectic. Our Holidays were great.
Dan got to stay home the week of Christmas until after New Years. I wouldn't say he really had it "off" because his phone continued to ring and he had to return emails almost every morning, but at least he was home! He was probably ready to go back and get some piece and quite at the office (comparatively).

I love having the kids home, but was ready for the structure that school brings.

We got to visit with Charlie, Raenie, Dallin and Kenzie for a couple of days. They flew to Utah and visited Reaenie's family and then drove here to come visit Grandparents and us. They have a wonderful family and Dallin and Kenzie are so beautiful. Char and Raenie look great too. What's your secret Raenie?!

Most of our break was spent playing Guitar Hero II. I am a rock star in my own mind! The kids didn't get to play it until about 2 days later when Dan and I started feeling guilty for not sharing. Sorry kids! They stayed busy shooting each other with their Nerf guns, Jayla included (she has to have something to protect herself from her crazy brothers).

Well life is back to "normal" now and time to think of what's coming up in the next year!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

So, Uncle Dave returned home from Kenya safe and sound after a 2 week visit with Bob and Renae. He said the riots started the day he left. Bob and Renae are safe so far in their apartment and say that the riots aren't as close to them.

Dave brought home some shirts for them, thats what these pictures are. Thank you Dave!

We continue to pray for the Lewis' in Kenya that they will continue to be safe there amidst the chaos!

( Sorry the pictures are sideways, I'm to lazy to try to figure out how to fix it. Just turn your head ;) )

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I have changed my blog. Do you like it?! The Broncos tried to lose on Sunday but their desire to lose wasn't great enough.

So I have a confession to make....... (those who are going to judge, stop reading!)

I am still excited about the Broncos because Dan had company tickets to the game against the Vikings and had to meet a District Manager there, but had one more ticket for me! YA! Included with the tickets was entrance to a VIP Party before the game at the Comcast building exactly next to the stadium. It was all you can eat and drink before the game. It was so much fun! We didn't have to spend any $$ and was full to the brim. It was great! It was cold and windy but didn't start snowing until after overtime was finished. Perfect timing.

There's always next year Broncos!