Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Can you get lead poisoning from pencils?

So I was putting away all the breakfast stuff after getting Tanner and Jayla out the door for school. I picked up the milk and realized that there was something clinking around in the container. I looked inside..... What the?! There are 2 pencils in the milk container that was just opened this morning. Thanks to the 1 yr old in our home I transferred the milk into a pitcher. I'll let you all know if any of us get lead poisoning.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Homecoming for the 7-8yr. old Brighton White team........

Whatever that means at this age. The cheerleading coach made all the girls crowns so that they could all be "homecoming queens". I love it!!!! We played the team from Superior and we won. So far we are 3-0. I think it's because of the great coaching!

Well Bob and Renae have left to go on their next adventure......... to the Kenya, Nairobi, Africa mission.

We will miss them and pray that they will be taken care of in their mission for the Perpetual Education Fund for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


Like the Bronco Jersey in the picture?

Which is better... A stimulant or fungal infection!?

So for those that don't already know I have become a closet asthmatic. My last Dr. visit they told me that I was using my inhaler too much. She said that albuterol is a "scarry" stimulant. So they did the nice breather test thing (those are technical terms) and according to my results I was only breathing out 75% of my lung capacity instead of the reccomended 85%. So along came the perscription for the steroid inhaler. As she was explaining what that is she said...." you don't need to worry about the normal side effects of a steroid because you are inhaling it into your lungs. Just make sure that you drink lots of water or gargle after the "puffs" in the morning and night. It can stick to the back of your throat and cause a fungal infection."

OK, a fungal infection sounds worse to me than using a "scarry" stimulant.

-Side Note- This is what a nerd I am........ I only use my inhaler during allergy season because that's the only time I ever have attacks, so I don't classify myself as an asthmatic. So when the Dr. gave me the steroid the first thing that I though of was " Oh crap, this better not be permenant or it is really going to screw up my life insurance." Can you tell me what industry MY husband is in?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sleep deprived and ......... The Laundry quadrupled!!?

So Dan and I got to go out with some friends on Sat., thanks to grandma and grandpa coming up to babysit the kid-o's. They lucked out by only having three of the four. Tanner went roller skating with his buds and then over to one of their houses to play the rest of the night. The other three got lucking partaking of B.K. and playing at our neighborhood park with the cool grandparents.

I have been dying to see our friends home he his building (not for himself but to sell). Dan has been talking about how amazing it is and how well thought out and detailed Conley is about building it. All the doors are solid alder , my dream choice for kitchen cabinets, and the doors don't have casings. They are hinged right into the door frame. Needless to say it is a beautiful house in Windsor, Colorado. After seeing the house we went to good o'l C's (old chicagos) and partook of football and good food. We had a wonderful night with the Hoskin's and Jablan's.

We get home and all is well. We say our good byes and thank you's to Grandparents (Thank you's never seem enough for how really appreciative we are to have them), and call it a night. At about 12:30 am poor little Jake wakes up, and I go get him and put him in bed with Dan and I. He settles down and then not 5 min. later............He throws up everywhere. DING DING, my internal intuition is blaring "you are in for a long night!" So from then until 3am he threw up at least 4 times, change our sheets twice and he finally gets comfortable enough to go to sleep again. Then at 6 am here comes the other little man......"mommy I'm sorry! I didn't make it to the bathroom and I puked on the carpet." OOOHHH Zack "it's ok, lay here in mommy's bed with Jake and I'll go clean it up." Which I did. I go back to my room (Dan is at some early morning meetings for work, and yes it was a Sunday). Just as I settle in to sort of go back to sleep, Zack does it again. There goes the last pair of sheets that fit our bed, and now Jakes awake and covered as well. I am now up for the day and get both the boys in the tub, put the sheets in the washing machine.

Jayla appears. "mom, my stomach doesn't feel very good." "Oh honey, I am so sorry you can go sit in the bathroom with your brothers. If you need to throw up try REALLY hard to throw up in the toilet, OK?" everyone is now clean 3 of the 4 don't look good at all. I try to get my mind set to deal with the rest or the day not getting frustrated and loosing my cool on the poor sick-o's. Tanner is fine and just his laid back self for the rest of the day somewhat oblivious to the puking around him. After Dan gets home we decide it is better to stay home from church and he will stay home with me since I am sleep deprived and have showered twice from being thrown up on, to help out. It didn't take much coaxing since the Bronco game came on at 2pm (church starts at 1:30). He was a big help in holding the 2 younger ones( they cried unless someone was holding them, which made it impossible to clean up) while I cleaned up the messes and dealt with Jayla.


Friday, September 14, 2007


"By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class." -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Playing Major Catch-up.............

First these are pics from our trip to mexico (April 28-May2)
All the ruins are at Chichin Itza. Run a google search it's pretty cool.
There is a picture of Dan jumping in a big sink hole they call sinotas(?). I jumped too, but Dan sucked at picture taking and only got my splashes. We jumped from a cliff about 20 ft. up from the water. There is also a picture of a huge iguana on a tree. They are every where. There is a ring around the sun, but only right above the main temple. The main temple is the third picture up from the bottom.
We stayed at the Palladium hotel in the Riviera Maya, which is south of Cancuun. Needless to say I want to go back!!