Thursday, August 28, 2008

What my kids say.....

Setting- Driving in the car (as usual). Tanner was staring out the window.
Tanner- "Mom, I can't wait for Jesus to come again."
Me- "Really, how come?"
Tanner- "I think that when He comes He'll make gas prices go down"

So there you have it. I couldn't really say anything except... " Your, probably right, Tanner."


We had our first football game last Sat. To make this short.... we got our butts kicked. But on a good note, we had the best cheerleaders out there! I would have taken pics, but between calling out cheers and dealing with 4 girls (between the ages of 6-9)who were too hot, hungry, and thirsty, I never got to pull out the camera.

Unfortunately, Dan has had a set back in his recovery. He was on the field coaching, when the ball got kicked in his direction and suddenly had a bunch of little football players running at him. He tried to "hop " out of the way and something popped in his calf. He made it to the side lines, and then dropped to his knees. I ran over to him, being the concerned wife, and trying to figure out what had happened. Of course he said it would be fine, so the rest of the game he limped around trying to coach. When we got home, he finally told me how bad it really hurt. I called the surgical clinic that did the surgery. I got the answer I figured I'd get... Ice, elevate, and stay off it. If it gets worse call back, otherwise they'll get him in on Mon.
So Mon. came, I took him in. Diagnosis.... He tore his calf muscle, but not where he had surgery, on the opposite side of his calf. Nothing to be done but take a lot of ibuprofen, pain meds. if it gets unbearable, and crutches unless it feels better and can put weight on it. They'll see us in 2-3 weeks. If it hasn't repaired.......SURGERY, again, YA!

What makes this so sad was that just the day before this happened Dan was saying how great his leg felt, he was staring to walk with out so much of a limp. Now we're back to square one. I feel horrible for him because he has a lot of traveling this month, so he won't be able to take it as easy as I would like him to. Oh, well... we'll/he'll deal with it.

I do have to give some props to the G'parents and Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jason (and dog cousin Roxy). I don't know what I would have done with out them at the game. They totally took care of Zach and Jake.

We are going to have some scheduling conflicts, hopefully not many, because Zach is starting Lil' kickers. It's the 3 on 3 soccer for the little kids. He wanted to play something and I didn't think it would be fair to tell him "No, you can't do anything because football/cheer take up our lives!" It works, though, because he has games on Sat. mornings with Practice 30 min before the game. So no practice time during the week. I am excited though! So far he is the only one of our kids that shows a strong competitive spirit. I will have to take tons of video and pictures to post.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Are we happy to start school............
Our first day was Aug. 14.

Jayla is now in second grade in Mrs. Lori Kohls class. She was nervous about her first day and who would be in her class, and following her mothers footsteps, worried about what she was going to do during lunch.

Tanner is now in 4th grade and was excited to start school because his teacher is Mr. Jeff Tufano, the only male teacher in the school besides the P.E. teacher. Apparently that's a big deal, especially to the boys. In true Tanner fashion, he wasn't nervous at all, and told me he knew what he was doing.

I took the kids to school and showed them where their class rooms were (we missed back to school night because of football and cheer). Jayla was immediately put at ease because she noticed that her friend Isabelle was in her class and sitting right next to her.
Tanner had no problem finding his class and doing his "thing".

I was ready for school to start because I have found that I deal better when there is a schedule, which school helps fill. I miss the kids a bunch, but love that they are busy. It is amazing how having 2 gone makes a difference in the house. Starting Sept. 8 I will be down to just one at home. Zachary is starting preschool this year and will go 8:40-11:40 Mon. -Thurs. WOW! It is kind of exciting to think how much I can hopefully get done with just one at home. I won't have just one for long though, because I told my neighbor that I will watch her baby girl when she has to start back to work, probably Oct. We think it will only be 3 days a week, but then I can get a baby fix and then send her home.
It's amazing how much my life is changing. I am no longer the cute young mom, I am now the older, still don't know much , taxi mom.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Funny things my kids have said...........

Jayla- Mom, why don't Disney Princesses have moms? (Can you think of any that do? I could only think of Sleeping Beauty, all the rest are step moms or evil witches. OOHHH wait, Mulan has a mom, but can she really be classified as a princess?)

Zach- Barney Stinks!
Dan- Why does Barney stink?
Zach- Uh, because, Dad, he's a dinosaur and is in-stinct!

Just a few things to think about.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

So I am horrible at following through. I am referring to The Laundry Room post. I have added a few things there, ie. a big cork board for calendars, lonely socks, school things, etc. and a new row of hooks, that things actually stay on. But, due to the clothes that are continually needing washed it is still somewhat of a disaster! I am now working on getting a laundry schedule, always easier said than done.

Football has started for Dan and Tanner, which means that cheerleading has started for Jayla and I. Yes, I said I. I have been roped into being the cheer coach for Jayla's cheer squad. They, of course cheer for Dan's team, so I figured...... I am going to be there anyway so might as well be useful, right?! We have 45 min. practices 3 times a week (they coincide with the football team practice schedule, just not as long as their 2 hours). Another reason I agreed is because I only have 3 girls, including Jayla. My only stipulation was that Dan not make me the Team Mom. He values my sanity too much (his sanity reflects mine, if you get what I mean.) There is one other girl who has a brother on the team and the other girl is the football players age and goes to school with most of them, including Tanner.