Friday, July 11, 2008

It seems that I am always on edge. I am tired of constantly trying to "fix" the house. I have pin-pointed some of my anxiety, as things not being organized. I am challenging myself to get a handle on this. This is not a remodel. Just a organization effort

I start to try, and then say "it is too expensive, I give up." I am not using that statement as an excuse any longer. I am going to be frugal and get inventive so that I can finally have peace of mind.

My challenge: to take a room a week. 7 days is all I have to spend in that room to get it organized and then move on. I will be inventive and try to think outside the box to get that room in order.

First room: laundry room- I spend way more time there than I want to. It is the entrance from the garage and I want it to be the main entrance for the fam. Here is the before.........

I will post an after next week. Any and all comments or ideas are greatly appreciated. (my camera is working! YA!)


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your endeavor. When you figure it out please please let me know!

Also good luck to Dan with his ankle!

Anonymous said...

I also wish you luck with the organization thing. As you know, I have never found the secret.

Anonymous said...

First of all I hope things go well for Dan, that he won't be in too much pain, & has a good recovery.
Also, I wish you happy organizing & look forward to seeing the transformation. I have some thoughts & ideas for you, but I'll have to post them later (don't have time right now...we're headed out the door).