Thursday, July 31, 2008

I got tagged, AGAIN........ 6 quirky is goes........... ( I asked Dan what some of my quirky things are, I should have had him do this post)

1. Right now, it would be itching my throat. I have allergies (onset after baby #3) and my throat itches like CRAZY! So I do this weird thing with my throat, that makes a weird noise. Mostly at night and in the morning.

2. I am not a social butterfly. I am friendly and make small talk with people, but to go out with a bunch of people makes me nervous. I feel like I'm back in jr. high and all my insecurities come out. I am trying harder to put myself in social situations. This results in NOT a lot of friends but many acquaintances.

3. I have to check the weather channels every night.( comcast 212, 249 )

4. I carry a marker with me everywhere I go so I can mark things. ie, my kids names on their cups, left overs, pretty much anything so that I don't have to here my kids fight about who's is who's.

5. Hi my name is Emily and I am a blog stalker. :)

6. I like pinching my kids butts. They are just so cute that I have to pinch them, especially Zach and Jake because they are still little enough that it isn't creepy yet. Tanner and Jayla I just smack theirs like a love tap.

Tag-your-it: You know who you are!!!!


Anonymous said...

I totally do the bum-pinching thing! I can't help myself, either. I could have written #2 (I'm working on this, too) & #5 (so many blogs, so little time)as well.