Thursday, July 28, 2011

some where in the craziness of blogger it deleted the all important picture of Elways bust. So here it is.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I couldn't get my captions to line up with the right pictures, so I will just let you look at the pictures and try to figure them out. If you have any questions let me know. Basically though, there are 3 Denver Broncos in the Hall of Fame...... John Elway, Gary Zimmerman, and Floyd Little. Shannon Sharp is being inducted this year. If you don't know anything about them, google 'em (-: We had a REALLY fun time at the Pro Football Hall of Fame. There is so much to see and interact with! Jayla even said she thought it was a lot of fun. If a 10 yr old girl can say that then it must have been good. Although, she is Dan's daughter. Speaking of Dan. You could tell he was in heaven! The last picture is driving to Canton. See all the haze? It's not humid or anything. Have a great football season! Now that there really is gonna be a season.....

Friday, June 10, 2011

Things I've learned the last couple months...........

First, we got a new camera and I can't figure out how to upload the pictures. I can see them on my iPhoto but when I try to upload or edit they are not there. Frustrating. So I had some pictures for this post but can't upload them. You can use your imagination.

So here are the things I've learned....

1- Don't rely on the "pre-programed" buttons on your microwave. (Short version) A month after living in our house my cutie-patutie (sp?) daughter asked if she could have a sweet potato for an after school snack. I said sure. I put it in for her pushed the "baked potato" button and told her to watch for it to be done. I was then told by the oldest child he needed 3x5 cards for his homework, so we left to go get some. I was gone for 5 min when I get a call from sweet daughter saying that they were at the neighbors and that there were 2 fire trucks and an ambulance at our house. I immediately turned around to head home. Of course it takes longer to get home than it did to leave. I found out that the potato caught fire! The poor daughter smelled something burning, saw the microwave flashing "end" but it was still going/cooking. No beeps or anything. the kitchen was full of smoke. She grabbed her 2 younger bros. and the dog and ran out onto the drive way and called 911. They told her to go to a neighbors house and they would send the fire department. They were there in less than 5 second after making the call. I came home to ambulance and 1 fire truck leaving. The fire department was so wonderful and kept telling me what a smart daughter I had and how she did the right thing. I was amazed that she knew our address after such a short time living here. I got to meet our neighbor for the first time because of this incidence (She probably thinks she is living next to a bunch of looney's). I was grateful that no one was hurt and that the fire was just contained in the microwave. It didn't do any damage to the surrounding cabinets. This same neighbor saved our front door from being smashed by the fire department (it was locked and the kids left through the back door) and told them the back door was open. Needless to say our house smelled like smoke for days. I got to argue with the maker of the microwave for 3 weeks until they gave in and replaced it for free. (That is a story in and of itself). And we now have a working microwave. FYI- I learned from the appliance guy,that was in and out of my house about 6 times, that people should never use the programed setting because there are too many variables that can cause a fire. The 2 biggest culprits.... potatoes and green beans. Keep your eye on those things!

2- I learned how to pull a tick out of someone's body, namely the head. Here in Ohio ticks are EVERYWHERE. Because of the trees and fields they are quite prevalent. Well probably not just here but the midwest and east in general. Because of the field behind us and to the side of us (vacant home lots..... wanna come build a house next to us? It's totally affordable). The kids are always running around the neighborhood with friends and the dog thinks it is a lion in the field stalking the little birds. Two weeks ago I was giving the little boys a bath and Z started yelling at me ..... "Mom!Mom! J has a tick on his head!" "Ya, ya Z. You don't even know what a tick looks like." "No, mom! He really does!" So I took a closer look and yep. There it was. Using my sons head as dinner. I tried to keep my composure, cuz I knew what kinds of disease those things carry. Ok, Ok, I totally freaked and yelled for Dan. I grabbed the tweezers and my phone. Yes my phone, so I could google how to get a tick off of my kids head! I was totally nervous about trying to pluck this gross thing out the right way. Google it if you really want to see how many errors you could make and increase the risk of spreading sickness into the host. BLAH! I pinched it as close to my kids skin as possible... pulled with steady pressure and Viola. I got the whole thing out , head intact. Whew! I put it in a baggie and labeled and it with date and time just in case J started showing symptoms. A week later he started complaining about a sore throat and head ache. No fever. I was worried anyway and wanted to make sure that we could catch whatever it was early just in case it was from the tick. Took him to the dr. Still no fever or any rashes so the Dr. said to keep watching him closer and call her if anything changes. We'll that night he was running a low fever, still no rash. The next morning no fever. That night, fever again. Next morning no fever. That afternoon I could see the fever coming back and called the Dr and told her how he was having a fever at night and fine in the morning. Because of the tick bite she wanted to see him for herself. Thank goodness we are 5 min away so we could hurry over. The nurse took his temp. It was 102. It had not been that high when I was taking his temp. She checked him out and still no sign of rashes, but then she checked his ears. The poor kid ended up having an ear infection. We got him on some antibiotics and he is starting to show signs of his normal self. I still have to keep that gross tick for at least a month, because symptoms can manifest 30 days after a bite. That thing is still alive in its baggie taped to the inside of the laundry room door. Needless to say we do tick checks on a daily basis. Oh.... and I took the dog to get groomed the day after the tick bite. We got him shaved and the poor thing had to have at least 4 ticks pulled off of him too. Now we gotta keep and eye on the dog for symptoms and he is on Frontline.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First off ..... I have no pictures.  I know that people like to see pics, but my camera is dead and I lost the charger, and I'm too lazy to get the ones off my phone.

That said, lets play catch up.  Where do I start, hummm.  I will give the condensed version from my last post. I just had to check when that was. WOW, Aug! I'll go month by month (if I can remember that far).

Sept.- School started.  I was sad. Kids were sad. Football started (-:

Oct.- G'ma Pratt, G'pa Pratt, Aunt Ellen and Gavin came to visit.  FUN! Universal Studios, football games, swimming and lots of visiting.

Nov.- Thanksgiving.  Had it all by ourselves.  Dan and I made the entire meal from scratch.  Great family bonding.

Dec.-Christmas! The kids got a haul.  Dan found out he will be the Farmers Executive of Ohio.  He got to spend almost 2 weeks with us before leaving ( started Jan. 1)

Jan 2011- G'ma came to visit/ babysit while I went to Ohio to look for houses.  Disneyland!(with some wonderful guides to show us the ropes! Thanks Dalands!) Dan came home for that weekend.

So that brings us up to date.

My focus these days is survival, and trying my best to help Dan find us a house.  It is rather difficult, since all I can do is look at pictures and he has to tell me how the neighborhood is and how the house really looks and feels.  It's frustrating for both of us that we couldn't find anything while I was there. But we know that the Lord will bless us and we will be back together soon.

On a "cool" note.  Google - Daniel Lewis Farmers Insurance.  Cool, huh!?  He was given a press release on his new Executive appt..... (click the link)

I am very proud of all his hard work.

I'll try to stay more up to date. Famous last words!