Thursday, January 31, 2008

I got about a 40 min. work out in this morning. I was trying to talk myself out of working out, but I didn't want to let you all down since you are all doing such a great job at staying dedicated. I talked to Ellen last night and told her that the beginning of the week is so much easier to stay with it than toward the end. But, I did it! The other reason is because Dan and I are going to Maggianos for a date night. Wow 2 in a row!
This one has actually been planned for a couple of weeks. Thanks to Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jason this one came to fruition.
I also wanted to get a head start on the weekend, because usually I go hog-wild and ditch the really healthy eating. For the last few years Sat. is our family fastfood lunch day. It is more often than not the only day that we get to eat out as a family, and it gives the kids something to look forward to. It has also helped them in not asking to go eat out every night of the week. Really though.... now it has turned into Chick-fil-a day now that one has just opened up by the Target. It is the BEST! They have diet Dr. Pepper, I LOVE their chicken, they give out educational toys in the kids meal and they have a play land! What could be better!
I am going to be eat'n like a queen this weekend!


Melissa Rozeski said...

Keep it up Emily! Staying healthy with a family is so hard! What a great way to stay motivated! One thing that I have learned to do, is to eat my big meal at lunch. Something full of veggies and protein and really yummy. Then, when dinner comes along I can resist, or eat less of, the less healthy food my family wants. If you want some recipes let me know.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, I'd like some recipes!

Em, have you tried the Southwest Salad at Chicks-away (Cami used to call it that), because it is REALLY good. Date night...what is that and what does it mean?

Hope you had fun & good job on getting your workout done!

Anonymous said...

Hey Emily,
It's a start of a new week. Yipee! Also, Congratulations on your RS calling. And thanks for letting us have Tanner and Jayla last Sat. night. Dad and I enjoyed spending time with them.