Monday, January 28, 2008

All-righty then! I have some of you on board about this getting healthy thing. I don't know how you want to do this and help keep tabs on each other. The only thing I can think of right now is post your goals so that we can be accountable.....

1. exercise!(at least 30 min)- I will set my work out time as 9am or 4pm (it depends on the days I volunteer at the kids' school)

2. I will try to make better food choices and watch portion.
3. I will try to be more aware and try to manage my stress/boardom eating.

Thats a good start for me. I could list a whole slew of things but I know that would just set me up for failure. I will add more goals along the way.

So far today hasn't been the best start. I was watching kids so i haven't gotten in my exercise yet, other than carrying laundry up and down stairs. I had a small bowl of Special K vanilla almond cereal, but then I had 2 cookies for a mid morning snack.

I will hopefully blog more towards the evening so I can let you know how most of the day went.

If you haven't read moms blog she is making a great start of all of this.

Start little..... achieve those small triumphs.....and keep going. When/if you fall of the wagon, start where you left off. Everyone will have set backs, but that's why we are doing this together! Look to the future of a healthier you and feeling great!

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

I had a pretty good start today & documented it on the ol' blog. I hope you had a good Monday. Are you sure you don't have a van down by the river? Cuz you're a good motivator. SEE?!?! There's something else you do well!

Anonymous said...

Alright Emily,
I haven't set a certain amount of weight but mostly to try to manage my blood pressure. So I have also set smaller portions and of course excercise. Today is going to be windy (I hate the wind) so I hope I can get some activity in today.