Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wow.... not a good start to my week. I have yet to get in any scheduled exercise this week, and I haven't been eating very well. I know that it is because of the stress of life so far this week.

Monday- I took the car in to check out why the check engine light was coming on intermittantly. Didn't think it would be that big of a deal. WRONG, of course. I got in to the mechanic at around 9 AM and didn't leave until after 2. After they figured out the "why" they kept telling me it'll be about an hour. Dan kept calling me to check in and would say "do you want me to come and get you and the boys" (the 2 little ones were with me). I would say"no they said it would only be about an hour. It isn't worth it." We were at the Sears so we wandered the store multiple times and ate Jr. mints for lunch because it was snowing outside and the closest food place was too far for me to drudge 2 little people through the cold and wet. After that I had to go straight to pick the kids up at school get them to do their homework, went out to dinner with the fam because we weren't going to see Dan again until Fri night. So no work out time.

Tuesday- I volunteered at the kids school for 3 hours and then was going to get in the workout time. Wrong again. Dan was going to stop at home real quick and pack, but needed his dry cleaning picked up, after shave at the store. Then it was time for kids to come home, go to piano, get homework in before basketball, fit dinner in there and then time for bed. No work out again.

Wednesday- Today is a new day! I will get it in, I will think positive and eat something better for me than rice crispy treats!

So here goes nothing........

Oh by the way I am now the enrichment counselor for Relief Society. No stress :)

Did I mention that I hate it when Dan is gone!


Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats on the new calling! Looks like we swapped!

Try not to worry about what is past - it is insane to worry about what we can't change. (That's my hypocritical advice for the day.) This week has been hard for me, too, though. Hope you were able to squeeze in a workout!