Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I have changed my blog. Do you like it?! The Broncos tried to lose on Sunday but their desire to lose wasn't great enough.

So I have a confession to make....... (those who are going to judge, stop reading!)

I am still excited about the Broncos because Dan had company tickets to the game against the Vikings and had to meet a District Manager there, but had one more ticket for me! YA! Included with the tickets was entrance to a VIP Party before the game at the Comcast building exactly next to the stadium. It was all you can eat and drink before the game. It was so much fun! We didn't have to spend any $$ and was full to the brim. It was great! It was cold and windy but didn't start snowing until after overtime was finished. Perfect timing.

There's always next year Broncos!