Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Up date on the "goals"

Well, as far as the goal to go to the gym goes...... I am ace'n that one. I have gone to the gym 6 days a week { Mon. - Sat.}. On Sat. we take the kids swimming after I and Dan's workout. I can't tell you how happy the gym makes me. I get so giddy! During the week my friend and I hit a workout class a day (sometimes she does "two-a-days", because she says she has no life:) ) Too bad the L-B's don't come off quicker.

Reading lessons- Not so hard, because I take the scriptures and Manuals with me to read in the car while waiting to pick up the kids.

The kitchen thing..... lets just say that maintenance is number one priority right now.

FHE.... Failing badly! With 2 kids in basketball(Jayla practices M & W Tanner practices T & TH and games on Sat), one in cub scouts, me as the Den leader, Jayla - miss smarty pants ;) - has gifted and talented after school on Fri 'til 5:30, we are lucky if we eat a meal together {if we do, it's usually sandwiches in the car or dinner at 8 pm}. I'm not complaining, I like staying busy. Especially when it's with my kids. I don't know what will happen when the other 2 start doing things, though.


Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

Totally jealous about the gym thing! I am ridiculously impressed with your goal update!

Raenie said...

Em-you are rockin! That's awesome that you have enough hours in the day to do everything. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Good job on meeting some of those goals.