Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I am tired..........

I admit to being somewhat of a blog stocker. I need to get it under control :)And here's why..... I am tired of seeing all these perfect "images" of families, homes, people etc. Everyone makes their lives sound like the epitome of bliss. I am just not buying it!

Why can't people be real. Be real to others and themselves. I understand that for the most part we try to put our best foot forward. Act like we have it all together. I have probably done the same things in my blog and life. I really do try to be as real as I can {without scaring people or freaking them out}. My tendency to be private may be misconstrued as an act that I am "uppity" or , again, thinking I have everything all figured out. Here is me being honest to the whole blogger world......

My house is a DISASTER! Do I like it that way.... NO! I would show you pictures, but I am too lazy to go take them. My kids have been known to maybe wear the same outfit for 2 days. They do wear clean clothes when we/ they are going any where in public, but if it is just staying at home, they look like little Tasmanian devils. I need(want) to loose at least 30 lbs. This doesn't happen easily for me! I have to work at it 7 days a week, and it is NOT fun for me. Although, it has been much more enjoyable having my Christmas present from Dan and having my gym rat, I mean, gym bunny friend endure the pain along with me (you know who you are. THANK YOU!) That leads to the fact that I absolutely hate shopping! Clothes or otherwise. Probably because I want to shed unwanted weight, so I hate shopping the sizes that I have to, and that to loose the weight means eating healthy, which means eating more fruits and veggies, which then means more shopping because they go bad too soon or they get eaten quickly. (sorry for the sentence). It's a vicious cycle. Basically I just wanted everyone to know I AM NOT PERFECT! And proud to say so.

But to turn the tables a little..... I DO have a PERFECT HUSBAND for me, and the most PERFECT CHILDREN for me and I know that the GOSPEL IS PERFECT! Those are really the most important things to me in my life and my life hereafter.

So when you come to my house and there is laundry everywhere, dust on the shelves, crumbs ground into the carpet, children who may have been in their pj's all day, papers on the counter I don't know what to do with, me in my sweats and t-shirt, here is my APOLOGY for not having it all together!


Anonymous said...

Em, I am so tired, too!!! I am with you all the way. And why is it that the rare times the house is presentable & the outfit and hair are adequate, there is no where to go & nobody comes over. Yet, the days when self & home are a disaster, inevitably someone unexpectedly drops by!!! Not cool!

Little Barretts said...

My greatest fear is that Kristin will drop by and my house will be a disaster. I feel with you both. We probably have the winter doldrums. How do we get out of those?


Anonymous said...

I am starting to get an very small idea of what you are feeling. I only have one kid and he sleeps all the time, yet I don't have enough energy to do anything! I am also a horrible blog stalker and I agree...all of those people are delusional and full of crap!

Cassie said...

Emily, Your a breath of fresh air! So many times I just want to yell that I'm not fine and my life is to hard. I just lost my daughter and my husband just lost his job. Everyone says that I'm so strong but I feels like I'm walking on ice that's about to break and I'm going under. But how do I say that without everybody feeling sorry for me? I don't want to be a pity case. do you know what I mean? Sorry I have just been dealing with a lot and not really givin the chance to process it all. Thanks for listening and letting me vent.

Anonymous said...

Well my kids don't do their hair before we go out, they use their clothes as napkins, they fart, burp and make weird embarassing sounds in public, my walls have holes in them, I painted my walls the wrong color white, but you can only tell if you look really close, I sometimes don't shower ever day, and I leave my laundry in the washer until something starts to smell....

Raenie said...

I used to be a lot more critical of other women. But I've seen the error in my ways and now I've learned to get over it. If I go to someone's home and see dirty laundry, dishes, shoes and toys on the floor instead of being like "holy cow this place is a mess" I think to myself "oh good, their house isn't always clean either!". It's funny that you feel this way about "putting off the perfect image" because Charlie and I were just talking about this today. We are sick of it too, some people just try too hard. What happened to just being real...stop trying to put on a performance all the time. I guess the important thing to remember like you said is that we are all comfortable with our own lives and where our priorities are. And that's all that matters!