Friday, March 02, 2007


What a surprise that Jake would like oreos, right!? You can't have a childhood with out pictures of messy eating. But clean up is easy thanks to my new found favorite tool..........the Swiffer Sweeper-Vac Have any of you tried this niffty thing? I was a little sceptical at first, but WOW! I didn't think it could clean up the crumbs and things left behind by 4 children who eat like beavers leaving splinters of food instead of wood (well maybe that too sometimes). I don't think I will ever use a broom again. It cleans like a champ without leaving behind the tiny little dust particles and whatever else. I was so excited too because in the bathroom it cleans/ vacuums up all the hair left by us girls (boys too, maybe). I am done sounding like a commercial now. Tell me what your "favorites" are. I am always looking for great things to ease the stress in my life.

Here's a few more pics of my boys playing Star Wars before church. Nothing brings the spirit like playing like you have the force and then killing eachother......


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the Oreo face!
It's good to know that the Swiffer actually works, I've been wondering if it's just all a ploy or if it truly works good. I bought the Chlorox wet good!! I wouldn't recommend it.
May the force be with you!