Friday, March 02, 2007

Just a little about my baby girl....... Jayla was born on Feb. 25, 2001 at 6:09 PM. She was 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 5/8 inches long. I went into labor on Feb. 24 in the late afternoon (after my baby shower). I did it to myself because I was tired of being prego. I made Dan go with me to Flat Irons Mall and walk the entire thing. No really I walked into every single store, all the way to the back of the store and out again. I got my contractions down to 2 min. and went to the hospital which was just down the street from the mall. They checked me in and then gave me morphine so I could sleep. It worked I slept, but it also stopped the contractions. Needless to say I was not happy and refused for them to send me home. They called my Dr. and told him that I was determined to have a baby today. I didn't mention that I was dilated to a 3 and had been for 2 weeks. He got to the hospital and was going to put me on pitocin but changed his mind and said he would try the cervical gel first. Within 5 minutes after the gel application I was back to having full on contractions again. In 30 minutes I had the epidural and about 20 minutes after that I felt I had to push. the nurse didn't believe me until I told Dan to go get her because something was coming and I wasn't pushing. The nurse came and asked it she could go get some other nurses, because I was delivering the bag of water without it ever popping. Dan saw it , but I won't give detail about what he said it looked like. So about 5 other nurses came in, they said they had read about thins happening but had never seen it before. After the "freak" show, the nurse broke my water and called the Dr. he got there in time to throw on gloves and an apron over his soccer uniform and then there was Jayla. She was so beautiful! She had the signature pink hair that all my kids have had. She was such a great and easy baby. She has always been a great sleeper, she was a wonderful nursing baby by spanning her feedings 3-4 hrs apart. She was always talking whether we could understand her or not.
We love having her as part of our family. I am glad I have at least one girl, but especially happy that it is her!