Friday, August 22, 2008

Are we happy to start school............
Our first day was Aug. 14.

Jayla is now in second grade in Mrs. Lori Kohls class. She was nervous about her first day and who would be in her class, and following her mothers footsteps, worried about what she was going to do during lunch.

Tanner is now in 4th grade and was excited to start school because his teacher is Mr. Jeff Tufano, the only male teacher in the school besides the P.E. teacher. Apparently that's a big deal, especially to the boys. In true Tanner fashion, he wasn't nervous at all, and told me he knew what he was doing.

I took the kids to school and showed them where their class rooms were (we missed back to school night because of football and cheer). Jayla was immediately put at ease because she noticed that her friend Isabelle was in her class and sitting right next to her.
Tanner had no problem finding his class and doing his "thing".

I was ready for school to start because I have found that I deal better when there is a schedule, which school helps fill. I miss the kids a bunch, but love that they are busy. It is amazing how having 2 gone makes a difference in the house. Starting Sept. 8 I will be down to just one at home. Zachary is starting preschool this year and will go 8:40-11:40 Mon. -Thurs. WOW! It is kind of exciting to think how much I can hopefully get done with just one at home. I won't have just one for long though, because I told my neighbor that I will watch her baby girl when she has to start back to work, probably Oct. We think it will only be 3 days a week, but then I can get a baby fix and then send her home.
It's amazing how much my life is changing. I am no longer the cute young mom, I am now the older, still don't know much , taxi mom.


Anonymous said...

They look so happy, cute, and ready! I'm glad they are enjoying school, because, really, what do you do if they don't? It could make for a miserable year for everybody, I'm sure. So, anyway, it's so great they like it. How is Jayla's teacher? Is Zach excited for preschool?

It's funny how fast things can change. Although, I never felt like a cute, young mom. And I still think you are a cute, young mom.

Thanks for sharing your back-to-school stuff with us...I was wondering how you guys were doing! We send you lots of hugs and best wishes!

Melissa Rozeski said...

Tanner looks so much like Dan and Jayla looks so much like you!!! Even Tanners "I got this" attitude is like Dan---so funny. I too am loving having fewer kids at home. It's just Elijah and I, and he goes to pre school! I have 3 more months of this easy livin' before I start all over at ground zero---am I NUTS???