Thursday, April 10, 2008


Tanners birthday! 9 is so old (only cuz it makes me old). the other boy in the picture is one of Tanners friends

Mom/Grandma made matching bunny cakes (great job by the way) for Jake and Tanner for their birthdays. Jakes was on easter and Tanners was March 28. LOVE THE CAKES and the KIDS!

Dressed in their Easter Best.

Jake blowing candles. Happy number 2!
Tanner had Pinewood derby and took 3rd place in the wolf den, and 5th in the whole pack. Dan and Tanner took a whole 3 days to make the car. It's amazing what you can do under pressure! Love you Dan and Tanner!


Raenie said...

You have had a lot of birthday's to celebrate. What about your own?? I love all the pictures and way to go Tanner at the Pine Wood Derby!

Anonymous said...

Awww, CUTE cake, CUTE kids, CUTE Easter pic, and RAD Pinewood Derby car. By the way, you never posted pics of your kitchen makeover! Are you happy with the new paint colors?

Melissa Rozeski said...

Great pictures! Can Jayla look anymore like you???? Congrats on the Derby, it's amazing how competative those events are. I can't believe your #4 is two. We have a #4 baking right now. I'm just 7 weeks along and feel like total crap!!! I just hope I can do this whole thing again! Take care