Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Having Bleu has been way different than I thought. I get up in the morning and take him for a run. He gets so excited to see me and to go. The kids have really had a great time with him too. They get to go with me in the evening to take him for a walk again. Zach and Jake can't leave him alone when he is in the house, but he loves to just stay in the back yard and lounge around the patio and sand/trampoline box.

We are definitely going to have to get our own. It's just a matter of what kind. I really want one that can go on runs with me, that can be great with kids, will chill when we need it to etc.

Any one have any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I think its a toss up between a Great-Dane-Saint-Bernard Mix and a Bulldog. Do you remember Mac when we lived on New Star. I was so afraid of him but looking back on it he probably was a mellow dog.