Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Holiday season can now start.

We have already had our ward Christmas party. It was Dec. 1. I am glad that it was early in the season before our schedules bust at the seams. My kids were asked to participate in the Nativity story. Tanner was Joseph, Jayla and Zach were Shepard's. Yes, Shepard's had suckers back then to keep them happy! Jayla took her roll very serious and stood there very stoic (?) while her counter part had to wave and fidget and take a grand bow at the end.


Anonymous said...

Your kids are SO CUTE! I heard about Zach's worst day ever, but I understand he bounced back. Who ran your nativity? Looks like a fun night.

Melissa Rozeski said...

I love the ward party. We all go, it is always a bit lame,, but the nativity story makes it all worth it!

Cute picutres of Halloween too. I really like that Mulan costume! Miss you guys!