Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I get this question all the time..........

I am asked "where are you all the time! You are never home." Some say it in a kind joking manner, but others have asked me in sort of an annoyed tone. Well here's where I am. (you asked for it)

Mon. 8-8:45 Getting kids to school
11:25-11:30 picking up Zach at preschool
11:30- 1:30 driving to the gym, working out, then driving home
3-3:45 picking up the other kids from school
6-7:15 taking Tanner to speed and agility camp
Tues. 8-8:45 Getting kids to school
8:45-11:00 driving to the gym, working out, then driving home
11:25-11:30 picking up Zach at preschool
3-3:45 picking up the other kids from school
5-6:30 Tanner Baseball Practice
6- 7 Jayla soccer
Wed. 8-8:45 Getting kids to school
11:25-11:30 picking up Zach at preschool
11:30- 1:30 driving to the gym, working out, then driving home
3-3:45 picking up the other kids from school
4-5 Piano lessons for the kids
6-7:15 Tanners speed and agility
6-7 Cub scouts (I'm the Bear Leader)
6:30- 8 Tanner Baseball practice
Thurs. 8-8:45 Getting kids to school
11:25-11:30 picking up Zach at preschool
12:30-2:30 driving to the gym, working out, then driving home
3-3:45 picking up the other kids from school
Baseball Games sometime in the evening
Fri. 8-8:45 Getting kids to school
8:45-11:00 driving to the gym, working out, then driving home
3-3:45 picking up the kids from school
6- 7 Jayla soccer
Sat. Soccer and baseball throughout the day

Now, I don't write this all out to complain or anything. I am just a mom, who loves her kids. Who enjoys watching her children learn and grow. This schedule (this is just all the stuff that has actual time allotted for these events) is probably close to every mother who enjoys what she does. And I know there are many who are more scheduled than I am. To them I say........ Way to go!!!!!!! I LOVE BEING A MOTHER!

I don't want to leave out the very important father in all of this. Dan is very supportive of us and, when he is able and not trying to support our family, he is right there "going and doing" right along with us.

So when I am not answering my phone, or screening my calls, or just plain not available this is why. Please don't take offense. I don't when you do it to me.


Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

Amen to that! You are an amazing mother! One day, we will have time to rest!

Melissa Rozeski said...

Hey, you stole my schedule!! It is busy, but fun. Let's have a play date SOON!!! I can come up there. It's ridiculous now that I have lived here a solid year and we have barely seen each other. I'll call you