Thursday, February 05, 2009


I am (as always) trying to find the best ways to organize things...... ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. So I was wondering what is your best organizing tip, technique, ritual or whatever.

Please share and help me.

Thanks in advance. I love you ALL!


Raenie said...

Oh Man! I wish I had some awesome, easy to maintain, fool-proof, system to share with you. If you ever find one, send it my way too! As of right now...I'm still trying to find a spot for everything. I feel that when everything has a designated home I'm better about putting things back where they need to go. And the other thing I need to be better at is just doing something everyday to keep things from piling up. I tend to let things go too long and then it becomes overwhelming. Good luck in your organizing plans.

Anonymous said...

I've been doing some organizing myself! One recent thought I had about the subject is that sometimes I will think too much & for too long about the way to organize something instead of just doing something about it. That darned perfectionism gets in the way! So, what I've been telling myself is also my tip: less thinking, more doing. Sometimes things don't work out as you hope, but then you know more about yourelf. Such as, I am discovering that I'm not a file cabinet girl like I thought I was - so I'm trying binders instead.

Anonymous said...

I am horrible at organizing. I'm with Raen, though. When everything has a place it is easier to keep it there. I'm with Mar too. I'm figuring out my orgainizing style. What works for me are a bunch of bins. That way I can just throw stuff in the bin (ie shoes, clothes, papers) without having to take the time to file/fold. I don't know if that helps

Melissa Rozeski said...

It is a ridiculous challenge with 4 kids I'm sure. I tend to be too concerned with organization, but for me it is about creating a home for everything, labeling it and then constantly moving things back to where they go. At times I feel like that is all I do, move things back to their place, but I don't know how else to do it. If I don't stay on top of it, then it gets out of control in just a few days. As for your guilt feelings, I'm right there with you. It seems like everyone wants a piece of me and I'm just being torn into a million directions. Just rest assured that we are all in the same boat, the kids will survive and in the end who will remember if our sock drawer was neat???