Thursday, December 11, 2008

So, Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. I always feel bad for Thanksgiving because it seems to just get glossed over and full force into Christmas. I was glad that my family could come up and enjoy dinner over here. And I am doing exactly what I said is sad..... and going right into Christmas. I am not being a scrooge, but I am just not "into" the holiday spirit this year. I haven't decided if I want to put up all of my decorations or just go simple this year. I just don't know if I want more things cluttering my house when it it cluttered with all the everyday stuff all ready. I am in a slump in general and just don't know how to pull myself out of it. Dan, on the other hand, has got the spirit for both of us. We are all done shopping for the kids, other then the little last minute stuff. We needed to be done before Dan goes into surgery again. Like I said....... I really am not a scrooge. Just not enthusiastic.


Raenie said...

I hear ya! I'm right there with you. I'm not feeling too excited about decorating either. We haven't even gone out to get our tree yet. I don't know what my problem is.