Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Catch up Time Again..........

Ok, I am completely failing at keeping up to date on my blogging. I am playing catch up. Since March Madness we have done a lot of celebrating. We celebrated....

Martha and Cami's visit during our Spring Break- It was so great to see them. We miss them and Jayla and Cami loved hanging out with another girl and playing full-on girly stuff together.

Jakes 1st birthday (march23)- Loved the chocolate cake! I will get pics posted ASAP. I can't believe that our baby is growing so big. He walks and tries to run after the "others". He watches the kids jump on the trampoline and now "jumps" thinking everything is bouncy.

Tanners Big 8 year old B-day(march 28)- Briefly posted about this big event. The baptism itself was great. There were 6 baptisms and all were boys. It moved a long really well. We hit 2 birds with one stone by Robby (Tanner's cousin)coming to Brighton to be baptized at the same time.

My 31st birthday(april 4)- Dan was gone, but sent me flowers in his absence. They are beautiful (not totally dead, yet). He could never know how much that meant to me. I didn't want to cook so I took the kids to Wendy's. I don't ever like to cook when Dan is gone, because the kids are happy with grilled cheese and "red" soup. They wanted me to take them to Lone Star. Ya right, Me alone with 4 kids under 8. I did buy myself some new shoes and a new pair of shorts (trying to have a decent wardrobe when I go to Mexico, instead of sweats and lame T-shirts that I live in.)That was a feat in itself, since those that know me know I HATE to by myself anything. I have issues in my older age. That I'm sure will be blogged later. I am beginning to think I am MENTAL.

My life has now just taken another busy detour. We now have Cub Scouts and baseball to fit in our already tight schedule. I am turning into a scheduling Nazi. Nothing can be thrown into the mix without ample notice. I am more of a perfectionist as I get older.
IE: I spent 3 hours cleaning the unfinished basement. I threw toys away and couldn't leave it at putting things back in their rightful places. I had to sweep and vacuum the cement floor! I don't know what gets over me.


Anonymous said...

Good catch up! Must be something in the air because I spent one whole day cleaning & rearranging our coat closet, when I should have been cleaning a gazillion other things. It's probably symbolic of trying to "cleanse our inner selves" or something.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it must be the "inner vessel's" fault. But I get stuck in my cleaning mode because I don't know what to do with all the stuff I just cleaned out. I'm trying to make room for Ellen and Jason by cleaning out some closets, but then I realized that most of the stuff in the closets was already Ellen's stuff. But Kudos to you, Emily for cleaning in spite of the frustrations.

Raenie said...

I feel like I have the opposite problem. I see this mess surrounding me and I would rather just leave it (knowing that it will be right back where it was in minutes) rather than cleaning it up. I feel so LAZY all the time, and for now I'll just blame it on the pregnancy!