Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Out of my comfort zone.....

I'm normally not one to get all spiritual on this blog, or in general.  Not that I don't have a strong testimony of Christ's gospel, but probably more because it means SO much too me, I keep it personally in my heart, because I don't feel eloquent enough to express it and give it justice.  Well I'm stepping out on a limb because I feel I have to.....

During the last few months our family...... I should just really say me....... has relied upon the Lord more than I have ever had to.  I knew that moving would be difficult in all aspects of my life.  Leaving family, friends, and just the comfort of having been in one place for 10 years.  All I can say is that Heavenly Father is always mindful of us, our situations, and our needs. 

Our move has not been easy, by any means.  The stress has been so overwhelming at times (finding a suitable home for our family, adjusting to a new job and just adjusting to our new surroundings) but I have always known that this is what the Lord has had planned for us.  So while my logical brain was saying "this is too hard. It's so much easier to forget about it". My spirit has been pushing me to move forward, because as the scriptures say "this too shall pass". 

We have opened up a new chapter in our lives.  We are trying to make new friends, and find our way in a new environment.  There are times where I feel that I have to keep moving forward or I will be sucked down into the depths of unhappiness.  What a motivator!?  But, a motivator none-the-less.  The Lord, again knows this.  Thus, He has seen fit that Dan and I "put our shoulder to the wheel" and keep us out of trouble by giving us something to do in His "work force".  I have been called as the 1st counselor in the Relief Society Presidency and Dan has been given a call as the Scout Master.  We both are feeling TOTALLY unprepared for these new assignments.  Quite honestly, I think that Dan feels more unprepared than I.  We both know that these callings came from our Heavenly Father, and we will surely learn more than those that we will be serving.  But, it doesn't ease our feelings of inadequacy.

Because of my testimony I will do what he has asked me to do.  I know that as I continue to rely on Him and  follow His promptings I can be like clay in His hands and be molded into the person He sees me as.  All I see in myself is just a huge blob with no idea how to become a work of art. 

I will trust the Lord.


Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

So much for laying low in the new ward...You are so right. Heavenly Father does know you and knows that where you are is the right place for you to be. I loved reading your testimony! Thanks!

Raenie said...

That's wonderful! Good luck in your new callings...but I'll admit I had to chuckle when you said Dan was made Scout Master! I'm sure those boys will love him though!

ellen said...

Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you guys are finding comfort even though your out of your comfort zone. With your new callings, it looks like you're diving in head first into the ward. They will be blessed by getting to know your family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony. I thought you did so quite eloquently. Ellen is right.
Your ward will be blessed by your service and by getting to know your family. I love you all.