Friday, November 14, 2008

"It's so hard .... to say GOODBYE" (can you tell me who sings that)

I took Dan to the airport this morning, so he could start his adventure to Africa. I hate saying goodbye to him, and this time was especially hard. Probably because he is flying WAY out of the country to go visit his parents in Nairobi, Kenya.
We were going to make this trip together, but because of how things worked out, it was better that I stay here. So instead him and his brother, Chris, decided to go since neither of their spouses could accompany them.
What a great adventure, though. They are going to go on Safari for 3 days, see the orphanage the church and his parents are helping, and getting to take in all the culture of Africa.
Even though it will be hard (since we can't really communicate with each other very well) he will experience a once in a life time trip.
Tell your parents we love them and are glad they are serving the Lord and helping spread the gospel through service and love. We love you, and will miss you tremendously. Come home safe and tell us all the cool things you got to do!


Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

How exciting for Dan! If you need ANYTHING at all, let me know.