Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Crazy Fanatic Lady.......

The first weekend of Nov. was the football championship game. Yes, our cool little team made it to the championship game. It was on a Sunday, which I was NOT happy about.

Here's where the story started. ...... a couple weeks before the "Big" game we found out that it was going to be played on a Sun. I was not happy, and poor Dan got an earful about it on a daily basis. So, finally he said "Honey there is NOTHING I can do about it. If it's making you this upset email the people in charge." So I did. With in about 10 min of me sending my first email Dan had multiple messages on his phone about the email I sent. Here is what the first email said (it was sent to the league pres. and the reps from Brighton)......

I am a concerned mother of a football player and cheerleader. I was made aware that our team, Brighton White NFC 9 yr olds, will be playing on Sunday Nov. 2. Since when do we play games on Sundays?! I was under the assumption that our league plays by CHSAA rules, who DOESN'T allow their games to be played on Sundays. Now, I don't know how religious any of the board is, but our family spends our Sundays worshiping God and spending time doing activities that help us remember Him. It is the one day of the week where we try to make different than the rest. Am I now supposed to tell my children that football comes first and foremost over our worshiping Him and "keeping the Sabath Day holy"? I DO NOT appreciate how YOUR decision will now be affecting the standards that we have tried to instill in our children. This subject has put a strain on our family. We have also tried to teach our kids the importance of finishing what you start, and that they are part of a team. If this is where the league is going our family will not participate in the capacity that we have been (my husband has been coaching or on a coaching staff for 3 yrs and I was asked last minute to help coach the cheerleaders). I have heard other parents complain about this as well, but I may be the only one to keep you in the loop about how upsetting this is to at least our family.
my name

my email
my phone#

Needless to say, no one called me. They all called Dan to find out what was going on. It went through the league like wildfire. Apparently I managed to offend a bunch of people ( I don't think it was me as much as it was their conscience.) I won't go into the gory details. Lets just say that Dan was put into an interesting position (he totally backed me 100%, but just not the email etiquette I was lacking), I left the house in an angery rush and drove around most of the evening.
I came home, calmer and focused. The next day with the help of my etiquette adviser I wrote another email to the above mentioned people. Here is the 2nd email...........

My husband read my email last night and brought to my attention how offensive it could have been if someone had sent it to me. Let me first apologize for the way it was worded, it was never my intention to offend any of you or challenge your religious beliefs. Those who know me know that I would never intentionally offend or upset anyone.

I am concerned that the games are being played on Sundays and I wanted my concerns heard. I apologize if I didn't go through the right chanels, but I do think it's a big enough issue that it should be brought to the board's attention. I have had discussions with many other concerned parents, and I wanted to share those concerns with the board.

Again, I realize that my email I sent to each of you was tactless, and I hope you can accept my sincere apology for any offense I've caused you. I respect the time and effort you put forth volunteering to provide our kids an opportunity to participate in football and cheerleading.


My name

We still played on Sun. and took second place. But hopefully the league will think about next year differently.

What are you opinions of my emails?


tracycharmed said...

Way to go for taking a stand!

Melissa Rozeski said...

You go Emily!!! I really think that most people do not think of the sabbath as the whole day. If they go to church, they call it good (if even that) I think it is good that they are aware that there are people who are sensitive to that and I hope next year, things change!

Anonymous said...

I can see Dan's point about the tone of the email. Also, when communicating with men, usually less is more. You ate up all their word usage for the day! ;) I applaud you for bringing it to their attention, though, Em. What show was it that said, "Nip it in the bud?"

What did you think about it after a few days?

Anonymous said...

Way to go sis! I stand firm that if it was written by a man, things would have been different. Maybe if you threw in allusions to Entourage or compared it to UFC or NASCAR, it would have gone over better.

Amanda said...

Emily, I know this is late (I've just gotten into the blog life), but I think it was what needed to be said. I would say, "Good job!"