Saturday, November 22, 2008

"I'm so glad when daddy comes home. Glad as I can be......."

Yay!!! Dan comes home today!
Our week as we were living it seemed to take forever, but when I look back on it, it seems to have gone by so fast. Grandma and Grandpa invited us to go out to dinner and a movie with them last night, which was a wonderful and welcomed break in our routine. It was nice to have someone else to have the kids "deflect"off of. THANK YOU!! I don't know how single parents do it. I can cope for a couple of days {or a week}, but I can't imagine doing this for months or years.
To go along with my sisters "things I am thankful for"...... I am thankful for a husband; wonderful kids, who tollerate my "crazyness" when dad is gone; for family who cares and loves me...... I could go on, and on, and on, but I will stop here for now. Gotta go clean up the house.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your family is reunited!
Will you post any photos or stories from Dan's trip?

Anonymous said...

By the way, your blog background is cute.