Monday, April 26, 2010

Ok...  so my last post I had put a whole bunch of pictures on, but they didn't all show up.  THEY ARE NOW THERE!  Check them out in the post below........


Melissa Rozeski said...

great pictures!!! You look fabulous!! I think that CA sun is going to make you all so happy and healthy. We are still trying to get rid of winter here. How close are you to Disney??? We are deciding between 'land and 'world for this November. We have a few friends and fam out that way. We'd love to see you guys.

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm so glad to see pictures!
Tanner, you look like a great driver at the wheel of that bike thingy you got to drive. Jayla, I love the shell you are holding at the beach. Zachary, you have such a jaunty look with sailor hat while you are steering the boat. Jakey, that ice cream cone looks so yummy! Was that a flock of pelicans that was there on the dock? Emily, I'm so glad the pictures appeared. Thanks so much for posting them.