Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A "Peeve"........

WARNING: very open hostility. Read at your own risk!

I have this nagging peeve about people who talk about needing "Me"** time. Anyone who knows me, knows this. I get tired of listening to whining wives saying that they don't want to "lose" themselves, through their roles THEY have chosen as being a wife and mother.

This blog is not big enough to hold my rants about this topic.

My answer to this is........ LOSE YOURSELF! I have found a much better "me" as wife and mother than I could have ever imagined!

** I am all for keeping up on certain interests and such (ie. mine being going to the gym or taking time in the day to read part of a good book), but not at the expense of my family. Do people really need girls nights every day or every other day for that matter! Yes, those people do exist.


tracycharmed said...

Amen sister! You shouldn't have had kids and gotten married if you weren't going to be around to take care of them. Love your honesty :D