Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pools, Kankles and diapers........

Jayla wanted to put a diaper on her Cabbage Patch so she put one of Jakes diapers on her. VIOLA...... a diaper dress!

Anyone know what kankles are!?

I love Jakes fat legs! They have slimmed down, but they are still so adorable.

So this is what happens when mom isn't paying attention............

A pool in the sand box. I can't be very angry, because I remember making our garden into a mud pool as a kid, and making rivers in our sand box as a kid as well. I did have help (you know who you are). But, as a kid what is better than playing in mud. I guess life does come full circle. (Sorry, Mom and Dad, for the mud lakes, rivers, etc.)


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, those mud pools rock. I am envious that you have a backyard & that your kids have siblings to play with.

Anonymous said...

I just want to eat those kankles.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good old mud pools. They are a ton of fun. I found a picture of Jakey's mom's kankles. They look just the same. Also, Jayla, that cabbage patch looks gorgeous with that diaper dress.
Love~Gma P