Monday, April 02, 2007

-Coming Clean-

So I am a pretty private person, so this will be pretty hard. I have decided to use this blog more as a journal rather than just sort of general info about the goings on in the Lewis home. I will try to be more honest about the "real" things in my life.

This comes about as sort of being a voyeur to other peoples blogs, not really participating, but being glad to know that other people struggle in life and that not everyone has it "together" like I think.

Their blogs has made me more comfortable in my own daily struggles of life and children so I thought I might pay-it-forward. Hopefully I don't burst any one's bubble who thinks my life is sooo pulled together. ;)

So Dan is out of town. He left yesterday and will be back on Thurs. evening, and then will leave again early Vail and be home again late that night. So basically he is gone the whole week. Right now he is in Santa Barbara at a conference for Farmers. This is a yearly thing, but why they have to choose it to be the week of my birthday who knows. That is why Jacob was induced last year so that Dan wouldn't miss his #4 child's birth. I always feel bad when he leaves because he hates being gone from us for any length of time. I miss him as well except I still have the daily grind of life to help keep my mind off it a little. Since the beginning of the year he has been gone alot. First a few days in Vegas, then Kansas City , Moab, Sacramento (that was with me, though), Santa Barbara and then in a month to Cancun ( at least I get to go there too). So I know that I don't have it as bad as some people. But, it still sucks when he leaves. The kids miss him tremendously, and want to call him for EVERYTHING he seems to be missing out on in their minds. At least he will be home on Sat. Just in time for Tanner's baptism.

Tanner is such a young man in training. Last Wed. the 28th was his birthday. We told him that we would take him shopping for a suit, so we/ I did. We found one at Sears. He also found a tie. A REAL tie, not a clip on. He begged me over and over to buy it for him. He thinks that clip-ons are for little boys. I mean he IS 8yrs old. I gave in. That night was his interview with the bishop for baptism. I told him to go put something nice on. He came down stairs with his suit and tie on. It was so grown up of him. He had tried to tie the tie himself. I was so proud of him. After helping him fix a few things, we got in the car. I had the radio on and he said "Mom will you please change the music to church music. I am in a suit and need to listen to something "good" ". WOW!


Anonymous said...

It was great to see Tanner being so responsible about his Bishop's interview. Dad was glad to help him in tying his tie. It is great to be a part of your little families' life.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing to "come clean", I appreciate your honesty and I hope you feel comfortable in "venting" so to speak through your blog. I know it's very threaputic for me at times. I'm sure people get sick of reading about the same things over and over again, but hey it's life right?
I knew that Tanner was turning 8 this year and yet at the same time I forgot! That's so exciting to hear how he's becoming such a responsible young man...that picture is classic!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are blogging more, so I don't feel like I'm missing out on everything that you're doing! It was soooo great to hang out & we miss you, too. We had fun on Tanner's birthday & happy to be there and see his first real tie experience. He's such a little man in that suit and such a great kid. We love you, Tanner.